le regioni per kyoto 2012



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Conferenza delle regioni e delle provincie autonome
Conferenza delle regioni
e delle provincie autonome
Titolo del progetto
GREENEST - Long Term Solar Energy Storage for Greenhouse Heating
Amministrazione proponente
CRS4 Centro di Ricerca, Sviluppo e Studi Superiori in Sardegna
Unità organizzativa
Dipartimento di Energie Rinnovabili
CRS4, Edificio 1, Parco Tecnologico
Indirizzo internet dove esiste una descrizione del progetto
Referente del progetto
Direttore di Ricerca
Parte 2: PROGETTO - aspetti generali
Area di intervento del progetto
X Risparmio energetico
Destinatari del progetto
X Aziende
X Istituzioni
Status del progetto
X In stato di realizzazione
Durata del progetto
Data di avvio del progetto
Data prevista per la messa a regime
Descrizione sintetica del progetto
The capture of large amount of solar energy, the storage, for long period of time, of the captured energy as heat at low temperature, and the heat release according to the user needs are the key steps for large scale solar heating applications. To make the ultimate goal of achieving technological solutions with improved performance at competitive costs, this project will focus on developing an innovative enabling technology based on a new and effective method for heat extraction from a solar pond.
Esigenza/e affrontata/e dal progetto
To reach the project goal, the GREENEST consortium partners have been brought together to provide complementary competencies in taking up the following challenges: -To develop accurate an predictive models for the behaviour of the solar pond in both static and dynamic conditions, where the dynamic conditions are dictated by the climatic phenomena and imposed by the heat user needs; -To design and to realize a Ushaped solar pond, where the heat is extracted by putting in a slow motion the bottom brine layer; -To access the capability of the heat extraction system by coupling the solar pond with a greenhouse; -To develop a demonstrator able to show the technological, environmental and economic viability of the proposed innovation since, so far, no large scale greenhouses have been realized with sustainable energy as the only source for year-round heating ( a significant step in the process of having a completely fossil fuel free greenhouse horticulture); -To develop the basic knowledge for other applications within the addressed strategic objectives (sea water desalination, greenhouse cooling, CO2 production, biodegradation).
Obiettivi del progetto
The main objective of the project is the exploitation of an innovative technology aimed: to capture large amounts of solar energy; to store, for long period of time, the captured solar energy as heat at low temperature; to release the heat according to the user needs.
Azioni previste dal progetto
The exploitation of the proposed innovative technology will be based on the modelling, simulation, realization and real data analysis of an experimental Solar Pond device. The viability of the technology for practical applications will be tested by the coupling of the Solar Pond with a greenhouse in which the heating and venting system will be properly designed.
Risultati attesi
The project aims to achieve the following results: the establishment of the basic theoretical and technical knowledge; the application of such knowledge to the study and the analysis of the many systems which need an almost continuous supply of heat at low temperature; a detailed analysis of the environmental and technology costs; the diffusion of knowledge which increases the use of renewable and clean energy within a broad range of applications; the realization of a demonstration, the heating of a greenhouse, which will prove the viability of the new technology, the Solar Pond, with its innovative heat extraction system, as a cost effective mean with potential economic advantages.
Risultati conseguiti
A Crs4 patent for the innovative heat extraction process from the solar pond - Patent number FI2003A000008. A series of research publications, on international journals, concerning the stability of the solar pond under operative conditions.
Quali sono state le principali difficoltà affrontate nella realizzazione del progetto?
X Di carattere organizzativo
X Di carattere procedurale
Note aggiuntive sulle criticità riscontrate
Parte 3: PROGETTO - aspetti specifici
Se il progetto prevede partnership istitizionali, indicare ruolo svolto da ciascun soggetto coinvolto
CRS4 (Italy): Project coordination; solar pond modelling; data analysis; further model development; solar pond optimization and validation; technology exploitation. Greenhouse Technology Group of A&F (Holland): Modelling of the greenhouse heating system; data analysis; further model development; technology exploitation of the coupled system. SAV Ústav informatiky (Slovakia): Running of the monitoring and control system; data acquisition system.
Se il progetto prevede partnership pubblico-privato, indicare il ruolo svolto da ciascun partner privato
Knaap Fruits (Italy): Solar pond realization; greenhouse heating system realization; control system realization; operation and maintenance. ESMO a.s. (Slovakia): Design of the solar pond; Design of the coupled system; Design of the monitoring and control system.
Professionalità coinvolte
Researchers, engineers, technicians.
Il progetto ha comportato nuove modalità organizzative?
Descrivere sinteticamente le soluzioni/cambiamenti organizzativi adottati
For the starting date, the creation of a specific Consortium will be required.
Il progetto ha richiesto una formazione specifica del personale?
X No
Per la realizzazione del progetto, sono state adottate particolari tecnologie ICT?
X No
Sono state effettuate iniziative di comunicazione istituzionale?
X No
Costo complessivo del progetto
2.995.000,00 Euro
Il progetto è stato finanziato con
X Fondi interni
X Fondi comunitari